Thank you for helping your tenant start reporting their rent payments to TransUnion!

For many renters, their rent payment is the largest payment they make that is not normally reported to the credit bureaus. By enrolling in eCredable, your tenant is finally empowered to make this happen.

What's in it for you? They have another incentive to pay YOU on time. It's a win/win for you and your tenant!

Happy man image

Terms of Service
Your tenant has joined eCredable for the purpose of obtaining assistance in building his or her credit score(s). By selecting Approve in the text message you received on your mobile phone, you are simply acknowledging you are the Landlord for the tenant listed in the text message you received on your mobile phone. Your approval does not constitute an agreement of any kind or bind you to eCredable in any way, nor does it provide a credit reference for your tenant. You authorize your wireless carrier to use or disclose information about your account and your wireless device, if available, to eCredable or its service provider for the duration of your business relationship, solely to help them identify you or your wireless device to prevent fraud. See the Privacy Policy of your mobile phone carrier to understand how your data is treated.