Simply paying your rent will not help you build credit. But reporting your rent payments can help you build credit — especially if you are new to credit. Rent-reporting services can report your rental payments to all three major credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — will include rent payment information on your credit reports.
Offered by: Rental Khamra
Rental Kharma has helped over 67,000 renters! They add your rental payment history at your current residence to your TransUnion & Equifax credit reports. That’s it. You do not need to change anything about how you pay your rent. Rental Kahrma has a simple process that is smooth for the Renter and the Landlord.
$60 (Report entire history)
Average score increase of 40 points.
You will see results in 10 days.
Reports to TransUnion & Equifax.
Rental history adds payment history and age to your credit report.
Offered by: Rock the Score
Finally, you can report your monthly Rent Payments to build positive credit history. Join our rent reporting program and gain an immediate boost to your credit score with major credit bureaus. It's quick and easy!
$25 Setup Fee then $8.95/month
TransUnion and Equifax
Get Rewarded - You already pay your rent each month, now benefit from it! Build positive credit history every month you pay your rent on time.
Report Past Payments - We offer reporting up to 24 months historical rent upon enrollment. This usually results in a massive boost for your credit score - $99 optional.
Universal Acceptance - Our reporting system works with almost all rental situations across the entire US. We just need to verify your landlord or property manager, as well as the terms of your rental agreement.
Cancel Anytime - Whether you’re no longer renting, or simply done reporting it, canceling is easy. No long-term contracts, or cancellation charges. End your membership at anytime.
Full Refund - Having trouble getting your Landlord to verify your information? Not a problem, you’ll get a full refund if your Landlord / Property Manager is unwilling to participate.
Superior Service - We’re committed to changing lives & improving our member’s financial situations. Rock the Score offers real human support. Call, chat, or email anytime during business hours.