eCredable Blog - Learn to Build Credit



The eCredable blog

Steven Ely
Steven Ely

Steve Ely is the CEO of eCredable.  He has spend more than 30 years in the financial services industry, and almost 20 of those years focused on personal and business credit.  Steve is a former President of Equifax Personal Information Solutions.

Most of us make a few resolutions every new year to take better care of our finances. Unfortunately, we continue to make these same resolutions year after year. Here's a suggestion on how to impact the most important financial resolution you will probably make.

Normally paying utility bills does not build credit. But they can if you use a third-party company to report your bill payments for you.

You can't report utility bills to the credit bureaus by yourself, but you can hire a third-party service provider to do it on your behalf.

There are a lot of steps that must be successfully completed before you can apply for a mortgage. eCredable LiftLocker is the right tool to guide you on this journey. Here are some additional resources to help you pick the right type of loan.

There are many places where you can get a free credit report. If you want the original report generated by the three national credit bureaus, you need to go to