eCredable Blog - Learn to Build Credit



The eCredable blog

Most of us make a few resolutions every new year to take better care of our finances. Unfortunately, we continue to make these same resolutions year after year. Here's a suggestion on how to impact the most important financial resolution you will probably make.

Normally paying utility bills does not build credit. But they can if you use a third-party company to report your bill payments for you.

You can't report utility bills to the credit bureaus by yourself, but you can hire a third-party service provider to do it on your behalf.

eCredable Lift® provides consumers with the ability to report their utility accounts to their TransUnion credit file. Most utility companies do not report your payment history to the credit bureaus, which means you don’t get any credit for paying these accounts.

How long should someone wait for a credit report? I mailed requests for a single credit agency report for my daughter and myself, but neither of us has received a response. I do not want to send an additional request and be billed for multiple reports.